End-to-End Solutions
Your production partner, end-to-end!
Our team are here to help guide and support you every step of the way. With our sister company TMB Patterns Limited we can provide packaging design, machinery tool selection, tooling, end of line packaging, commissioning, training and complete aftersales service.

Packaging Design
We are able to offer a complete design service to encompass all packaging requirements from simple Blister packaging through to complex high production food packaging.

Machinery selection
Once the packaging design and production quantities are confirmed, machine selection can take place; our team can take you through the range of GN thermoforming equipment and recommend the suitable machine for your needs.

Tooling is manufactured to suit production out-puts and machine selection, our sister company TMB Patterns Limited with over 30 years experience provides tooling that meets and exceeds production requirements.

End of line packaging
Our aim is to reduce production cost and eliminate unnecessary packaging.

Our factory trained commissioning engineers are available to install your equipment and ensure production schedules and outputs are achieved

To ensure trouble free installation and 24/7 production it is essential personnel are trained to meet the demands to get the most productivity from the machines.

After sales service
Our technical engineers are on standby to provide support and answer all you technical enquiries; backed by a comprehensive stock of spare parts we are able to eliminate down time to a minimum.